One minute
Ansible config
forks ⇒ number of simultaneous hosts
gathering ⇒ smart : can avoid gathering facts at each run
pipelining ⇒ can improve performance but requires specific configuration if sudo is used
Ansible command
ansible -k or –ask-pass
: use password to authenticate
ansible-doc -l or ansible-doc $MODULE
: shows documentation about modules
callback_whitelist = timer.profile_tasks
: allows you to have time for each task
callback_whitelist = timer
: in order to have time for playbook
ansible vault encrypt_string 'the_string_to_encrypt' --name 'var_name'
: Encrypt variable
Ansible playbook
ansible-playbook playbook.yml –list-tags LIST ansible-playbook playbook.yml –tags MYTAG
: list MYTAG tasks in playbook
If you want to run for one playbook all tasks host by host you can use serial: 1
- hosts: myhosts
serial: 1
- myrole
Do some maths in a jinja file :
-Xms{{ ((((ansible_memtotal_mb * 0.5)|int)/1024)|round)|int }}g